Yes, there is people interested on Paraguay.
Lala, Nueva Germania and the reserve of Mbaracayu were the attractions.
Lala, opera singer, Russian Jewish, born in China after her family escaped from the revolution, and then going to Paraguay looking for a better life.
Nueva Germania, as commented previously, land of old Nazis looking for paradise.
And the reserve of Mbaracayú, the real paradise!
So we drove to show them around these lands of curiosities.
Nueva Germania hasn’t changed since we last went. We visited the museum and interesting pictures like these were exhibited.

Our trip continued to the reserve of Mbaracayú.
I asked the driver which was the way he was taking, and it was a huge detour. I look at my map, and I see a direct road half way shorter.
-But, how come you don´t take this one? I ask.
- It doesn´t appear in my map.
Apparently, a trustful road map doesn’t exist in Paraguay!
So I tell the driver to take the road that appears in my map.
The shortcut is a beautiful road with no pavement. 5 hours of great nature inside the car.
Regarding time, no difference between 500 km on paved road, and 150 of no paved one...
We arrived to the reserve. Everything was prepared for us.
We decided we wanted to see the indigenous hunting. The only ones allowed, using traditional methods of arch and arrow.
We never thought what meant to follow the tiny, thin, and fit passepartout indians through the jungle!

5 hours of intense march avoiding getting trapped on the tree wines, or fighting to get rid of them!
They caught a very nice little monkey, with cute hands, who asked for our help while our looks would turn around to avoid his terrible help claiming eyes.
At least hunters had a great time, thinking about the nice delicacy of monkey, armadillo and lizard meat for supper, yuuummiii!
Anyway we enjoyed this hard contact with nature, and while complaining about the physical effort, we thought about the FARC and prisoners walking around the jungle. No more complains! Hes, just took the time to light a cigarette and smoke it. Bravo.

We enjoyed time with you. Visits are always very welcomed!